
The package json is used to serialize and deserialize json object. The json.loads() function return dict object which represent the json object, I think the [key] operator, especially the json object contains hierarchical project. So, SimpleKit provides some simple and brief way which operate the object object.

Loads json

Objson provides the same interface with json package, the example code:

from simplekit import objson
text = r'{"Name": "benjamin", "age": 27, "marriage":True}'
obj = objson.loads(text)

assert obj is not None
assert obj.Name == 'benjamin'
assert obj['Name'] == 'benjamin'
assert obj.age == 27
assert obj['age'] == 27
assert obj.marriage

Notice, objson.loads() return a object represent the json object. and you can access the json property by . operator, like: assert obj.age == 27, and the [key] operator is available.

Dumps json

The dumps function is the some as json.dumps(), just can support dumps the object which deserialized by json.loads(). the example code:

from simplekit import objson
obj = {'Name': 'Wendy', 'age':27}
text = objson.dumps(obj)
obj2 = objson.loads(text)
text2 = objson.dumps(obj2)

assert text == text2


If the JSON property name is one of the below:

and, as, assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, except, exec, finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, not, or, pass, print, raise, return, try, while, with, yield


the property name is start with digit,

the dolphin libs will escape the property, add prefix string “m”.

and also, property contains any other character which is not alpha, digit and _ (underscore) will replace to _ (underscore).

For example:

text = r'{"class": true, "from-cookie": true, "0file":True}'
obj = dolphin.loads(text)

assert obj.mclass
assert obj['class']
assert obj.from_cookie
assert obj['from-cookie']
assert obj.m0file
assert obj['0file']